Sequin delivers industry-leading performance for change data capture (CDC), consistently achieving sub-200ms latency at 2,000 sustained operations per second. Here’s how Sequin compares to other solutions:

ToolLatency at 2k ops/s
Fivetran5 minutes
Airbyte1+ hours

Test setup

Our benchmarks are conducted in a production-like environment. Sequin and Debezium are compared head-to-head capturing changes from AWS RDS and delivering to AWS MSK Kafka:

  • AWS RDS Postgres db.r6g.xlarge instance (4 vCPUs, 16GB RAM)
  • AWS MSK Kafka provisioned with 3 brokers
  • Sequin running via ECS on an m8g.xlarge instance (4 vCPUs, 16GB RAM)
  • Debezium deployed on MSK Connect with 8 MCUs.
  • Continuous load of 2,000 operations per second applied to a single Postgres table
  • 30-minute test duration
  • Latency determined end-to-end from the time a change occurs in Postgres until it’s available in AWS MSK Kafka


We measure end-to-end latency from the time a change occurs in Postgres until it’s available in Kafka. This includes:

  1. WAL read time
  2. Processing time (filters, transformations, etc.)
  3. Network transit time
  4. Destination write time

The test is conducted with dedicated EC2 instances that simultaneously write to the RDS instance and read from AWS MSK Kafka.

The load generation script applies a mixed workload of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations to the benchmark_records table at a total throughput of >= 2,000 operations per second.

The Posgres schema includes a single table with this schema:

                                           Table "public.benchmark_records"
     Column      |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                    Default
 id              | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('benchmark_records_id_seq'::regclass)
 string_field    | text                        |           |          |
 numeric_field   | numeric                     |           |          |
 timestamp_field | timestamp with time zone    |           |          |
 json_field      | jsonb                       |           |          |
 inserted_at     | timestamp without time zone |           |          | now()
 updated_at      | timestamp without time zone |           |          | now()

Records delivered to Kafka are annotated with a delivered_at timestamp. Full end-to-end latency is calculated by subtracting the delivered_at timestamp from the updated_at timestamp.

Throughput stability

Sequin maintains consistent performance even under sustained load:

Average throughput: 2,054.4 ops/sec
Average latency: 192ms
99th percentile latency: 245ms

By comparison, Debezium achieves a slightly higher latency of 234ms at similar throughput:

Average throughput: 2000.6 ops/sec
Average latency: 234ms
99th percentile latency: 286ms

Resource utilization

Sequin was deployed to EC2 via Elastic Container Service (ECS). During the test, the Sequin ECS task averaged 34% CPU utilization and 10% memory utilization.

Next Steps

Ready to see Sequin’s performance for yourself?