When setting up a sink, you can optionally specify one or more filters to apply to the table:

Only changes and rows that match the filters will be sent to the sink.

Operations to capture

When using change messages, you can specify which Postgres operations to capture:

  • insert
  • update
  • delete

If you backfill a table to a sink, Sequin will send read messages for each row in the table, regardless of which operations you specify.

You do not specify Postgres operations for row messages. Instead, Sequin will always capture the latest version of each row.

Column filters

Column filters are SQL expressions (i.e. where clauses) that Sequin will use to filter the rows that are sent to the sink.

  • Column: The column to filter on.
  • Operator: The operator to use for the filter.
  • Comparison value: The comparison value to use for the filter.

The available operators are:

  • =
  • !=
  • >
  • >=
  • <
  • <=
  • in
  • not in
  • is null
  • is not null

JSON filters

Sequin also supports filtering on JSON columns. When you select a JSON column as the Column to filter on, you’ll see an expanded set of input fields:

  • Column: The selected JSONB column to filter on.
  • Field path: The path to the JSONB field you want to filter on. Use dot notation for nested fields (e.g., “address.city”).
  • Field type: The data type of the JSONB field you’re filtering on. This helps ensure proper comparison and filtering.
  • Operator: The operator to use for the filter.
  • Comparison value: The comparison value to use for the filter.

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