This guide shows you how to migrate Supabase webhooks to Sequin webhook sinks.

You may want to move your existing Supabase webhooks to Sequin because Sequin webhook sinks provide additional features, observability, and reliability:

  • Exactly-once processing guarantees ensuring every event is processed once and only once.
  • Automatic retries and backoff for failed events.
  • Filtering of events with no PL/pgSQL required.
  • Backfill support to sync historical data.
  • End-to-end observability and debugging tools for failed events.
  • Sinks to other streams and queues like SQS and Kafka.

You can easily move your existing Supabase webhooks to Sequin by creating Sequin HTTP push consumers.


You are about to migrate a Supabase webhook to a Sequin webhook sink that sends HTTP POST requests to your endpoint when database rows change.

You’ll need the following:

Example Supabase webhook to migrate

As an example, here’s a webhook trigger in Supabase for a hypothetical orders table:

  create trigger new_order
  after insert on public.orders
  for each row
  execute function supabase_functions.http_request ('', 'POST', '{"Content-type":"application/json"}', '{}', '1000')

In this example, a postgres trigger fires anytime a new record is added to the orders table. The trigger then fires a webhook (via pg_net) to send the data to an HTTP endpoint.

When the trigger fires, Supabase sends the data to the endpoint with the following payload:

  "type": "INSERT",
  "table": "orders",
  "record": {
    "id": 4,
    "user_id": 4,
    "order_date": "2024-09-03T18:32:48.108729+00:00",
    "total_amount": 154.97
  "schema": "public",
  "old_record": null

Create a Sequin webhook sink

To replicate this exact webhook in Sequin, you’ll create a webhook sink on the orders table with no filters. Here’s how to do it:


Create a new sink

Navigate to the “Sinks” tab, click the “Create Sink” button, and select “Webhook Sink”.


Select source table

Select your Supabase database and the public.orders table.


Choose message type

Specify whether you want to receive changes or rows from the table. In this case, you want to receive changes.


Specify change types

In “Records to process”, set the consumer to capture just INSERT operations:


Configure backfill

Leave “Backfill” toggled off for now.


Configure message grouping

Under “Message grouping”, leave the default option selected to ensure events for the same row are sent to your webhook endpoint in order.


Configure sink settings

Under “Webhook Sink configuration” leave the defaults:

  • Leave the default value of 30000 ms for “Request timeout” as this is more than enough time for your function to process the request
  • Leave the default value of 1 for “Batch size” for now to mimic the behavior of the Supabase webhook.

Configure HTTP endpoint

Add your webhook URL and any required headers.

Sequin gives you more control over webhook delivery and retries including a higher request timeout, automatic retries, and the ability to configure max ack pending (e.g. the consumer will stop sending new events to the endpoint if a certain number of events are not acknowledged). Additionally, you can authenticate the messages delivered to your endpoint with encrypted headers.

Name and create sink

Give your sink a name (e.g. orders_webhook_sink) and click “Create Webhook Sink”.

Now, when you create a new order in Supabase, Sequin will capture the change and send it to your endpoint:

  "record": {
    "id": 5,
    "order_date": "2024-09-03T19:41:17Z",
    "total_amount": "154.97",
    "user_id": 5
  "metadata": {
    "consumer": {
      "id": "107adb3d-76b4-40ba-8e9d-587f9871ab5c",
      "name": "new_order"
    "table_name": "orders",
    "table_schema": "public",
    "commit_timestamp": "2024-09-03T19:41:17.650384Z"
  "action": "insert",
  "changes": null

Sequin’s data payload is slightly different than Supabase’s webhook payload:

  • Sequin’s metadata field includes additional metadata about the consumer and the table.
  • Sequin captures the operation type (e.g. insert, update, delete) in the action field not the type field.
  • Sequin captures changes for update and delete operations in the changes field not the old_record field.
    • Updates: Sequin’s changes object only contains the changed columns and their old values, while Supabase’s old_record field contains the prior state of the entire record before it was updated.
    • Deletes: Sequin’s record field contains the prior state of the record before it was deleted and the changes field is null, while Supabase’s old_record contains the the prior state of the record before it was deleted and the record field is null.