With the Sequin CLI, you can easily build and test features locally. Use sequin tunnel to establish a connection between Sequin’s cloud platform and your local development environment. You can use sequin tunnel to connect Sequin to either local databases or HTTP endpoints.

At the moment, the only utility command available in the CLI is tunnel. More commands will be added in the future.


Install with Homebrew

brew tap sequinstream/sequin git@github.com:sequinstream/homebrew-sequin
brew install sequin

Install with shell

curl -sf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sequinstream/sequin/main/cli/installer.sh | sh

Build from source

git clone git@github.com:sequinstream/sequin.git
cd cli && make build

Reload your console and test that it’s installed:

sequin --help


Sequin CLI’s contexts store settings and account information. The most important property in context is your API token. You can create a new context (called “default”) like this:

sequin context add default --api-token={{my-token-from-sequinstream.com}} --set-default

After running this command, this API token will be included in future CLI commands by default.

If you have multiple contexts, you can specify a non-default context with a context flag:

sequin tunnel --ports=5432:my-pg-db --context=staging


The tunnel command creates a secure connection between your local development environment and Sequin’s cloud platform. You can use it to connect Sequin to either local databases or HTTP endpoints.

First, you’ll need to setup your database or HTTP endpoint on Sequin’s platform.

Then, to start a tunnel, run the tunnel command. The docs for that command:

sequin tunnel --help
usage: sequin tunnel [<flags>]

Create tunnels to Sequin

  --ports=PORTS  Ports to tunnel, in the format <local-port>:<name-or-id>[,<local-port>:<name-or-id>]

So, if you named your Postgres database my-pg-db on Sequin, and it’s running on port 5432 on your local machine, run:

sequin tunnel --ports=5432:my-pg-db

Sequin’s cloud servers can now connect to your local Postgres database at localhost:5432.