In this quickstart, you’ll create a real-time data pipeline that streams changes from a Postgres database to a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic. You’ll:

  • Boot Sequin
  • Connect to a sample playground database
  • Configure a Pub/Sub topic to receive database changes
  • See your changes flow in real-time

By the end, you’ll have hands-on experience setting up Postgres change data capture (CDC) with Sequin. This same pattern can be used to setup your own Postgres CDC pipeline with Google Cloud Pub/Sub.


  • A Google Cloud project with Pub/Sub enabled
  • A service account with Pub/Sub permissions

For this quickstart, you can use an existing service account with broad Pub/Sub permissions. For production use cases, we recommend creating a dedicated service account for Sequin with these specific roles:

  • roles/pubsub.publisher
  • roles/pubsub.viewer

For more information on creating a service account, see the how-to guide for Pub/Sub.

Create a Pub/Sub Topic

If you don’t already have a Pub/Sub topic:

  1. Navigate to the Pub/Sub Topics page in your Google Cloud Console
  2. Click “CREATE TOPIC”
  3. Enter a topic ID for this tutorial (e.g., “products”)
  4. Click “CREATE”

Make note of your:

  • Google Cloud project ID (e.g., “my-project-123”)
  • Pub/Sub topic ID (e.g., “products”)

Run Sequin

The easiest way to get started with Sequin is with our Docker Compose file. This file starts a Postgres database, Redis instance, and Sequin server.


Create directory and start services

  1. Download
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Navigate to the unzipped directory and start the services:
cd sequin-docker-compose && docker compose up -d

Verify services are running

Check that Sequin is running using docker ps:

docker ps

You should see output like the following:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE         STATUS         PORTS                      NAMES
2fd334a873e1   redis:7       Up 9 seconds>6379/tcp   sequin-dev-redis-1
bf4119bf250f   postgres:17   Up 9 seconds>5432/tcp   sequin-dev-postgres-1

All three containers should be up and running (status: Up).


The Docker Compose file automatically configures Sequin with an admin user and a playground database.

Let’s log in to the Sequin web console:


Open the web console

After starting the Docker Compose services, open the Sequin web console at http://localhost:7376:


Login with default credentials

Use the following default credentials to login:

  • Email:
  • Password:

View the playground database

To get you started quickly, Sequin’s Docker Compose file creates a logical database called sequin_playground with a sample dataset in the public.products table.

Let’s take a look:


Navigate to Databases

In the Sequin web console, click Databases in the sidebar.


Select playground database

Click on the pre-configured sequin-playground database:

The database “Health” should be green.


View contents of the products table

Let’s get a sense of what’s in the products table. Run the following command:

docker exec -i sequin-sequin_postgres-1 \
  psql -U postgres -d sequin_playground -c \
  "select id, name, price from products;"

This command connects to the running Postgres container and runs a psql command.

You should see a list of the rows in the products table:

  id |         name          | price 
  1 | Avocados (3 pack)     |  5.99
  2 | Flank Steak (1 lb)    |  8.99
  3 | Salmon Fillet (12 oz) | 14.99
  4 | Baby Spinach (16 oz)  |  4.99
  5 | Sourdough Bread       |  6.99
  6 | Blueberries (6 oz)    |  3.99
(6 rows)

We’ll make modifications to this table in a bit.

Create a Pub/Sub Sink

With the playground database connected, you can create a sink. This sink will send changes to the products table to your Pub/Sub topic:


Navigate to Sinks

Click “Sinks” in the sidebar navigation, then click “Create Sink”.


Select sink type

Select “Google Cloud Pub/Sub” as the sink type and click “Continue”.


Note "Source" configuration

In the “Source” card, note that the sequin-playground database and products table are pre-selected. Leave these defaults:


Setup a backfill

In the “Initial backfill” card, click the toggle to enable an initial backfill. You can leave the default start position, which will backfill all existing rows in the products table:


Configure "Pub/Sub Configuration"

In the “Pub/Sub Configuration” card, enter your Pub/Sub details:

  • Project ID: Your Google Cloud project ID
  • Topic ID: The Pub/Sub topic to stream to (e.g., “products”)
  • Service Account Credentials: Paste your service account JSON key file contents

Test the connection

At the bottom of the form, click the “Test Connection” button. If you provided proper credentials, it should succeed.

Sequin can connect to your Pub/Sub topic.


Create the sink

You can leave the rest of the defaults. As configured, the Pub/Sub topic will first receive a backfill of all rows currently in the products table. Then, it will receive all changes to the products table in real-time.

Click “Create Sink” to finish setting up your Pub/Sub sink.

See changes flow to your Pub/Sub topic

On the new sink’s overview page, you should see the “Health” status turn green, indicating data is flowing to your Pub/Sub topic.

Let’s confirm messages are flowing:


Messages tab

Click the “Messages” tab. You’ll see a list of the recently delivered messages:

Sequin indicates it backfilled the products table to your Pub/Sub topic.


View in Pub/Sub Console

In the Google Cloud Console:

  1. Navigate to your Pub/Sub topic
  2. Click on the “MESSAGES” tab
  3. Under “Step 2”, select a Cloud Pub/Sub subscription
  4. Click “PULL” to see messages in the topic

You should see a list of messages appear in the table below. The messages are read events from the initial backfill of the products table.

Messages are flowing from Sequin to your Pub/Sub topic.


Make some changes

Let’s make some changes to the products table and see them flow to your topic.

In your terminal, run the following command to insert a new row into the products table:

docker exec -i sequin-sequin_postgres-1 \
  psql -U postgres -d sequin_playground -c \
  "insert into products (name, price) values ('Organic Honey (16 oz)', 12.99);"

In the Pub/Sub Console, click “PULL” again to see the new message appear.

Feel free to try other changes:

Each change will appear in your Pub/Sub topic within a few seconds.

Great work!

You’ve successfully:

  • Set up a complete Postgres change data capture pipeline
  • Loaded existing data through a backfill
  • Made changes to the products table
  • Verified changes are flowing to your Pub/Sub topic

Ready to stream

Now you’re ready to connect your own database to Sequin and start streaming changes:

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