As an alternative to Sequin’s cloud offering, you can run Sequin locally or self-host Sequin using Docker compose.

Sequin requires:

  • A Postgres database (for storing Sequin runtime configuration and message data)
  • A Redis instance (for caching and assistance with message delivery)

Docker compose

The easiest way to get started is to use the docker/docker-compose.yaml file in the repository to start a Postgres instance, Redis instance, and Sequin server. This file uses a prod-ready version of Sequin.

Git clone the repository and run docker compose up -d in the docker directory:

git clone
cd sequin/docker
docker compose up -d

The Docker compose file contains a Postgres service that is configured to run on port 5432. It also contains a Redis service that is configured to run on port 6379. If you want to use your own existing Postgres database with Sequin instead of the bundled Postgres container, you can modify the docker-compose.yaml file as follows:

  1. Remove the postgres service from the docker-compose.yaml file.
  2. Update the sequin service environment variables to point to your Postgres database:
      - PG_PORT=<port>
      - PG_HOSTNAME=<hostname>
      - PG_DATABASE=<database>
      - PG_USERNAME=<username>
      - PG_PASSWORD=<password>

If you want to use your own existing Redis instance instead of the bundled Redis container, you can modify the docker-compose.yaml file as follows:

  1. Remove the redis service from the docker-compose.yaml file.
  2. Update the sequin service environment variables to point to your Redis instance:
      - REDIS_URL=<url>

Docker compose with existing project

If you are adding Sequin to an existing docker-compose.yaml file in your project, you can add the following to the services section:

    image: sequin/sequin:latest
      - "7376:7376"
      - PG_PORT=<port>
      - PG_HOSTNAME=postgres
      - PG_DATABASE=sequin
      - PG_USERNAME=postgres
      - PG_PASSWORD=postgres
      - REDIS_URL=<url>
      - SECRET_KEY_BASE=wDPLYus0pvD6qJhKJICO4dauYPXfO/Yl782Zjtpew5qRBDp7CZvbWtQmY0eB13If
      - VAULT_KEY=2Sig69bIpuSm2kv0VQfDekET2qy8qUZGI8v3/h3ASiY=
      - postgres
      - redis

Make sure to configure the PG_PORT environment variable to match the port of your Postgres instance, usually 5432.

Getting started

After booting the Docker compose stack, you can connect to Sequin at http://localhost:7376:

Click the “Setup” button to provision a user and an account. On the login page, you can login with the default credentials:

  • email:
  • password: sequinpassword!


By default, the Sequin instance sends telemetry data to our servers. This data is anonymous and used to improve the product. If you would like to opt-out of this, you can set the SEQUIN_TELEMETRY_DISABLED environment variable in your .env file to true. For example:


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